Shared Ownership Sales Policy
This policy sets out our approach to the sale of Shared Ownership properties across Bernicia Group.
This policy sets out our commitment to using evictions only as a last resort in dealing with serious breaches of tenancy. It covers:
Assured non shorthold tenancies
Assured shorthold tenancies (Starter Tenancy)
Protected rights tenancies
Licenses to occupy
Equitable agreements
This policy sets out Bernicia’s approach to the use and management of Starter tenancies. Starter tenancies enable early interventions to be made in order to uphold the conditions of tenancy and protect neighbourhoods from anti-social behaviour.
It applies to new tenants of Bernicia Group except where:
The tenant is already an assured or secure tenant, this may be a tenant transferring within our own stock or of another registered provider or council.
The property to be let or re-let is designated as extra care accommodation.
This policy sets out the type of tenancies Bernicia offers, the circumstances in which they are used and outlines Bernicia’s approach to managing and sustaining tenancies. It covers all rented accommodation including general needs (social and affordable rent), retirement, long and short term supported, extra care and rent to buy.
This policy does not apply to market rent or shared ownership.
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