It’s national Water Saving Week and Bernicia’s Steve Burke is handing out 100 kits to Bedlington and Newbiggin Learning Hives to help tenants and local people take easy steps to cut water use.
The kits – courtesy of Northumbrian Water – offer equipment and practcial tips to help consumers reduce their water useage and protect the environment.
Not for profit Waterwise is running #watersavingweek this week to raise awareness about why people need to save water and how they can do it.
Gareth Wright, Bernicia’s energy and environment officer, has put together a ‘top facts’ rundown about water useage and the impact of a rapidly growing demand for business and residential use as well as providing this link to handy water saving tips for staff.
Climate change and a burgeoning global population make water conservation essential and not an after thought.
Bernicia has built better and more efficient water capture into its home construction and repairs and maintenance work – the Ashwood head office a flagship for smart water use with its rainwater capture system used to flush all toilets in the building.